Monday, 28 February 2022

Interview With Atuin Cosplay

I would like to introduce you all to my good friend Atuin Cosplay (pronouns they/them). I met 
Atuin Cosplay and their husband Mr Multiverse through comic cons, this wonderful hobby and our mutual love of various geek culture and wands! Together they own an incredible wand business called Octarine Wands which I highly recommended. They are both the most genuine, lovely people you could hope to meet.

Atuin Cosplay is very passionate about cosplay and all things geeky. Atuins creations are amazing! They go all in with large props, body paint and crazy attention to detail. Atuin is a well known cosplayer and they attend conventions up and down the country throughout the year. They are also a huge LBGTQIA+ advocate and member of the community.  

We have spent so much time at many cons together in England and Scotland and can often be found checking out artist alley or hunting down cake stalls together! 

Make sure you go and check out Atuin's Instagram Atuin Cosplay to check out more of their great work!

When did you start cosplaying? 
I believe it was 2016.

How did you get into cosplay? 
Our Friends took us to a comic con and my husband wanted to Cosplay, but didn’t want to on his own. So I cosplayed as Fry from Futurama (specifically from the sad dog episode) and loved it.

Which characters have you cosplayed? 
I’ve cosplayed various versions of Link from The Legend of Zelda & Skull Kid from Majoras Mask, Fry from Futurama, The Chamberlain from The Dark Crystal, Finn the Human from Adventure Time and Rincewind from the Discworld series, Hypnos from Hades and Milo from Pokemon Sword... I am sure I’ve missed a few.

Do you have a favourite costume? 
I think it has to be The Chamberlain.

Do you act in costume or purely look like the character? 
Very rarely, if my face is covered I do a bit of character acting.

Do you make/buy/commission your costumes? 
All three! I try my best to make all my stuff, but sometimes it is simply easier to buy parts of it and also my husband Aidan makes a fair amount for/with me.

What skills have you learnt cosplaying? 
I have learnt some basic foam work, how to use Cosclay, how to have more patience and also how to pose for photos.. I know it sounds easy and I’m still not great at it, but I was so so bad at posing for photos at the start.

What is your favourite cosplay? 
It is a toss up between the Chamberlain and Rincewind. The Chamberlain because it is really fun to do because people are scared of it, and I can act a little with it. And Rincewind because he has The Luggage, so I can fill a huge box full of food, things I buy and also chairs and just drag it around with me! 

What was your easiest cosplay to do? 
That would be Finn the Human. It is basically shorts, tshirt and a backpack. I can add or take away any details and its still obviously Finn.

What was your most challenging cosplay to do? 
The Chamberlain! He took a fair bit of thought, to get the shape right and also was the most challenging to wear as it is heavy and REALLY hot inside.

Which cosplays are you most proud of? 
Again The Chamberlain. That was when I figured out how to use Cosclay, practiced all sorts of painting skills and had to think how to make this big clumsy character wearable and moveable.

Where do you tend to shop for cosplay costumes and accessories?
Charity shops are awesome for picking up random clothing, props and bits and bobs for cheap.

Do you have any costume tips/tricks to share? 
Pick a cosplay that has some form of bag, Comic Cons get crazy hot and busy so being able to carry a drink is a life saver.

Who is your favourite comic book character? 
I don’t really read a lot of main stream comic books. I really like random comics I’ve picked up from various indie artists and writers at comic cons. That sounds way more pretentious than it is lol.  

What are your personal fandoms? 
Zelda, Lord of the Rings, Discworld and The Dark Crystal.

Body positivity is a very hot topic in cosplay at the moment. There seems to be pressure to be a certain shape/weight/look to pull off certain characters. There can be a lot of negativity in terms of trolling within groups based on people’s appearance. How have you found the cosplay community personally? 
In general I have found it to be really welcoming and supportive of all body types. You do however always get the odd person who feels it’s their right to tell you you’re not their cup of tea (but not usually as politely). The best way to deal with them for myself is to block and move on, for my own sanity. Don’t feed the Trolls.

Have you done any charity work as a cosplayer? 
I actually haven’t! I have been to various charity events running our stall but not in cosplay.

How do you feel about character adaptations of a costume rather than making a carbon copy of what’s in print/film etc? 
I love people making the cosplay a bit different and unique. I really like when people merge different fandoms into one cosplay too! People are really clever and talented, its awesome to see.

What is the best and worst things about cosplay? 
The best things are learning new skills and then showing off and sharing these skills. The worst things are how uncomfortable some cosplays are... the heat!

As a dab hand at attending conventions and events do you have any advice/do and don’ts to share? 
Do take lots of photos, BUT always ALWAYS ask permission. It is great to appreciate someone’s hard work, but let them know. That way they can get into the right position etc, or they simply might not want to be photographed and that is absolutely their choice. Talk to people, even if it is to just say “OMG I LOVE YOUR COSPLAY!”. Most people want to chat, especially stall holders. You can make some great friends and discover some really amazing artists.

What has been one of the best things to come from cosplaying? 
For me it has to be the community. I have made some wonderful friends that I wouldn’t have met without cosplaying.

What other cosplayers do you admire? 
I am a little bias, but my husband 
Mr Multiverse Cosplay. He genuinely blows me away with his swords and amours, he’s a really talented guy. Stitchitfelix is incredible at sewing, his cosplays are always so good. Wolf Boi Cosplay has the most impressive makeup skills!

As a cosplayer with disabilities have you found any problems when attending comic con? 
Unfortunately yes. The larger the con the worse they tended to be for it. I think where the larger Comic Cons hire security that isn’t used to dealing with a large group full of diverse people they really were bad with disabilities. I have been questioned by con security and employees why I was using disabled toilets (on one occasion a man fully smashed on the toilet door to shout at me), made to walk the whole length of comic cons on crutches to get disabled passes, and generally had them be hostile for needing extra assistance. Thankfully though these have been in the past and the last few years have been so much better. Smaller cons have always been lovely and very helpful, often listening to disabled attendees about what is helpful and what is not. So BIG kudos to those events.

Does having disabilities stop you from enjoying cosplay? 
My disabilities have never stopped me enjoying cosplay. I will tire easier and be sore and so just try and fit that into my cosplay (like putting chairs in Rincewinds luggage so I can easily rest, or including a staff in a cosplay that I can use to rest on).

As a member of the LGBTQ community do you feel comic con and the cosplay scene to
be supportive and inclusive? 
Absolutely! People are insanely supportive of the LGBT+ community. Comic Cons are the only place where I feel comfortable enough to hold my husband’s hand and feel safe. Also there are whole sections of LGBT art at most comic cons. It is such a wonderful community of people.

Do you have any advice for people looking to do cosplay photoshoots? 
I would say go as a group, it is safer and also way more fun!

What do you like to do when you’re not cosplaying? 
I’m a big old nerd so I like to read, write and play games (computer and board).

What job do you have in the real world? 

My husband and I work together making wands and LGBT pendants. We sell them at Comic Cons as well as provide orders to shops.

For people wanting to get into cosplay, what advice would you give them? 
If you’re getting overwhelmed at the idea of making a cosplay, then buy it, or various bits. There is no shame in buying a cosplay and if it helps having a base to adapt or grow on then that’s a huge bonus.

What are the best things about Comic Con? 
Seeing friends, talking to like minded people, Artist Alley and seeing all the amazing cosplays!

What are your future cosplay plans?
My plans are Cardcaptor Sakura and to remake Rincewind with some nicer material and easier luggage to drag around (the current one is pretty heavy). 

Which conventions/events do you have planned to attend this year? 
We are planning on going to most comic cons this year starting with Mega Con Birmingham. its a new event so it should be pretty exciting! 

What are you most looking forward to for the rest of the year?
Comic Con wise I am most looking forward to MCM London October. It's the main comic con event for us and we make a mini holiday out of it. Generally I am looking forward to mine and my husbands holiday. We haven't been abroad since 2013 and like most people we had any recent holiday plans ruined by the pandemic. Fingers crossed all goes to plan! To be honest I look forward to so many things! I love birthdays and holidays, upcoming game releases, I'm pretty easily entertained

I would like to thank Atuin Cosplay for their time with this interview. All photos have been provided by Atuin Cosplay and were taken by Mr Multiverse Cosplay. As always you can expect to see more awesome cosplayer interviews here soon!

Skye Fawkes Cosplay
Editor In Chief and Head Writer

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