Tuesday 19 August 2014

Hundred Watt Club Goes to Newcastle!

Now it’s no secret that burlesque is my ‘thing’. I always want to share the best of the best with you which is why I want to know about my favourite local show (other than my own), Hundred Watt Club.

Hundred Watt Club in Aldershot is local to me, just a short 30 minute drive away. This is perfect as I can drive to the show and park on site knowing there is no trains, tubes and very late nights involved yet still the same caliber and fun that a London show would bring without all the added expense!

The show itself is a lot of fun and I go to every one as it’s my time I can enjoy burlesque as a fan without having to judge anyone, review, critique etc, I just go for the reason I fell in love with burlesque. For me it always involves some friends together, dressing up, a lot of laughter, glitz and glam, seeing new exciting talent, getting to see some of the best names in the business, and having a great time. So far I have taken 10 people I know along to the shows and that’s the beauty of a great show…people talk! I love it so I tell my friends who want to experience it too, they have a great time so we invite more people and so on!

Now I am telling you! So listen up! Hundred Watt Club is on the move this year and you can catch this fab show in the North East this year! Oh and did you know the wonderful Lena Mae, producer of Hundred Watt Club is a North East girl too?! Well she is over the moon to be taking her show up north, this is not to be missed!

Hundred Watt Club producer Lena Mae says ' I'm so excited to be taking the show up to my old stomping ground! I'm a North East girl through and through, Newcastle's not going to know what hit it!'

For those of you who attended my very first burlesque show for Appleton Productions you will recognise the lady behind Hundred Watt Club as the gorgeous performer Lena Mae. She was a massive hit at my show as she is for every show that she is involved in and I’m asking my readers to show some support and if you based in Newcastle to get involved!

Here is the link to the Hundred Watt Club show reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygiTiszhYNI
Link to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/hundredwattclub


Friday 10th October 2014
Copyright Bertil Nilsson
Surrey's Hundred Watt Club is taking a holiday up to the North East! They will be setting up camp for the night in super friendly club WHQ in Newcastle and bringing you a slinky and raucous variety show starring :

FRANKII WILDE : perfect pin-up and classic stripteaser
WARREN SPEED : unsettling clown performing hilarious boylesque
EMMA LOUISE: Elastic contortionist and expert hooper
BETTINA SPANKENHAUS: Super hot character burlesquer
RUBY DELLAHAYE : Smooth as silk vintage vocals 

LITTLE GEM : Your naughty AND nice, pint-sized hostess for the evening!

Tickets are £11 and include entry to the club upstairs after the show. Available here: 

Dress code optional but they encourage vintage finery, quirky lingerie and everything OTT! You never know, you may well win the coveted 'best dressed' prize! 

Any enquiries please email info@lenamae.com

Website www.lenamae.com 
Twitter @100wattclub 
Facebook  www.facebook.com/hundredwattclub

Photos provided by Lena Mae

Photo provided by Lena Mae
Copyright Neil Kendall

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