Thursday, 29 May 2014

Last chance to VOTE for nominee Appleton Pin Up Girl for the National Vintage Awards!

Things have been very quiet from me recently. It’s been a very busy time lately, a lot of change has happened including my job. My last day at my current job will be tomorrow and I will be moving on to pastures new. Things may not slow down but you will see more of me so stay tuned!!

As you may be aware I have recently been up for nomination for the National Vintage Awards for Best Vintage Fashion/Lifestyle Blog for Appleton Pin Up Girl. Voting has been taking place from 1st May and closes on 31st May at midnight. It’s the last few days for votes to come in and at this stage so close to the finish line the results are secret so I do not know how far I have managed to come. This year already I have been a finalist for the UK Blog Awards and attended the awards ceremony. It would mean a great deal to me to get through to the awards ceremony with a chance of being chosen for the award itself. 

Taking place in Central Birmingham on Thursday 19th June, the national awards ceremony has been created to celebrate the independent businesses who keep the vintage scene alive.

I’m thrilled to be up for this award. I've worked so hard to build up my blog and to have national recognition would be incredible. I’d love for everyone who reads my blog to vote!

With only two days left to go please make sure you vote for me. Also any support via social media would be a huge help to spread the word so please copy and paste the below in to you websites, Facebook profile, Twitter etc and let your connections know!

“Please take a few seconds to nominate blogger Appleton Pin Up Girl for the National Vintage Awards for Best Vintage Fashion/Lifestyle Blog. All you need to do is follow this link below, head to the vote tab, click on Best Vintage Fashion/Lifestyle Blog category, select ‘Appleton Pin Up Girl’ and enter your email address to confirm and submit your vote. It literally takes no time at all but would mean a huge deal to get through to the awards. Please also share this post to help spread the word and get more votes! Thank you!" 

Cast your votes now! Voting ends at midnight on 31st May - not long to go now!!

Thank you for all your support! xoxo

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