Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Appleton Productions

Some of you may have noticed on social media that I have expanded…..

I am very pleased to say I am producing my first show! Under the name ‘Appleton Productions’ I have putting on my first show in my home town Basingstoke. I have as you all know watched many burlesque shows being a fan, journalist and blogger.  I have always wanted to run a show, learn the goings on backstage and now I am!

I am working with one of the best venues in town, particularly for what I want to. The venue is called The Tea Bar and is a vintage style tea bar during the day and cocktail bar at night. Of course it was an obvious choice for me to turn The tea Bar into ‘The Tease Bar’ as my show name!

In my town we do have a show called An Evening of Burlesque which is held at the Anvil. I have been to see the show before; it’s brilliant and would recommend it to anyone. I personally love to go to shows that are smaller where you are closer to the stage, that have an intimate feel to them and you can feel really connected. We have nothing like this which is where I come in. I feel with my experience I can give the town something very different, a real entertaining evening of burlesque and cabaret as they have never seen before.

For my first show I am going to ease my audience in gently to burlesque with a line-up of classic acts. People who have never seen a show tend to have an idea in their minds of what they think it might be like and this normally is along the very classic lines, show girls, fans, feathers and sparkle. A gentle show with a bit of spice, and something to keep people on their toes!

The main thing I want to bring is quality. I go to watch many shows in the city mainly because this is where they are held but also because you tend to get shows produced by people who really know what they are doing. They know the industry, understand what their audience wants and can create something different. I want to bring a show of London quality, well produced quality to my home town.
If this all goes well and Basingstoke wants more burlesque and cabaret then I shall smack them in the face with some of the best variety acts they could possibly want! I am hoping I can bring regular shows to the area and beyond. With the line-up of performers from London to Liverpool and places in-between the first show looks fantastic. You may notice some of the performers on the poster from previous blog posts such as Chrys Columbine and Lena Mae. These ladies I know well and have seen many times and I am sure you’ll agree are perfection when it comes to classic burlesque with their own unique edge! Other performers include Miss Jones, Bonnie Fleur and Bexi Owen, these ladies will be dominating the stage and will definitely keep your attention! I don’t want to ruin the night by giving too much away but be prepared for a lot of fun, glitter and boobies!

This has been very much an eye opening process arranging the line-up, planning the show, the staging, props, venue set up, artwork, everything! There is alot of work that goes on behind the scenes that people may not realise. It is very time consuming, many emails back and forth between many people, meetings, phone calls, research, planning, running order, artwork you name it! You are not just paying to see a show; you’re paying for incredible skilled performers who are travelling across the country with their props and wonderful costumes to perform. Every part of the planning stages needs to run well and every person involved contributes to making the show a success.

A huge thanks to the venue for hosting the show and Chris Dale for putting together the fantastic poster below with my fussy input! And of course a show wouldn't be a show without its utterly fabulous stage kitten Dolly Rocker!

I hope the efforts of everyone involved pay off and you enjoy what I am sure will be a fabulous evening. So if you live locally, love the look of this line up and are looking for something to do on a cold wintry evening come to the show and check it out for yourself! Tell your friends, bring your work parties, families, dress up with the girls, bring the lads for a night out they won’t forget!

Appleton Productions presents The Tease Bar
Wednesday 11th December
8pm – Doors open 7pm
Best dressed competition so make sure you dress to impress!
Tickets are on sale now and selling fast – to get yours please call the venue on 01256 353332.

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