Monday, 30 September 2013

Appleton Bakery Update

Here’s a little update on the cake front!

This weekend I provided the cakes for my friend’s wedding held in Gaynes Park, Essex.  The couple had opted for a slightly autumnal theme with deep purple cases to match the purple colour scheme of the wedding, vanilla sponge with white vanilla icing and deep red fruits. The fruits were more summery being strawberries, raspberries and blueberries but the colours and style worked brilliantly. The top cake was a giant cupcake again made from vanilla sponge, a purple case made from icing and white vanilla icing on the top and in the middle. For decoration I used the same fruits as the cupcakes, a purple bow on the front and a touch of glitter to catch the light. This was very simple but effective and quite different from the norm.

I took the cakes from Basingstoke to Essex and luckily they survived the long journey ok which was a HUGE relief! I then set the stand with all the cakes up without the fruit on. I decided to do this as the cakes were due to be left on display throughout the wedding breakfast through to the evening when the cake was due to be cut. If I had put the fruit on in the morning before the wedding started and left the cakes until the end of the day the colours of the fruit may have run into the white icing and the liquid from the fruit could cause the fruit to slide off. With this in mind I displayed the cupcakes undecorated during the day on purpose, the effect was still great and people liked then even being plain. Stage 1 of wedding cakes was complete!

After the wedding breakfast in the time slot before the evening reception I decorated with top cake and cupcakes with fruit. I used more butter icing to help the fruit stick well. When the bride and groom and their guests came back into the main room the cakes had transformed from plain white to colourful smart looking beauties. I truly believe that less is more in some instances and this was one of those times it worked very well. Very classy looking indeed if I do say so myself. Here is the final outcome!

 I hope you like these cakes! I will keep you updated with more cake updates soon! J
