Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Interview with Fuller Figure Fuller Bust Blogger Georgina Horne!

This interview for me is particularly special for me as Georgina is a fellow blogger. Forever battling with diets, huge bras and high street dresses; Georgina shares her experiences about living with and shopping for a fuller figure and bust. Her blog has become somewhere for ladies like myself to go to find new clothes, new companies to try, underwear all kinds of things us ladies like. I personally have a few favourite blogs I keep up to date with and this is one of them! Bloggers are not rivals by any means, it’s much more of a sisterhood, us bloggers help and support one another, repost each other’s work, even work on posts together. Georgina is very true to the purpose of her blog and like all us dedicated bloggers, has many sleepless nights making sure we are creating something special for our audience. During her time blogging she has had some amazing opportunities, become a model and built an awesome website and following. She is a real inspiration not only to myself as a blogger but to me as a person, as girl of similar size who proves you can be confident regardless of size, accept your shape and find a way to dress to suit your own body and look gorgeous doing it!

Why did you decide to create Fuller Figure Fuller Bust blog?

A few years ago I entered a few harmless 'modelling contests' for fun. The first was for Evans and Plus-Size-Tall and I came third, which was amazing! I half-heartedly pursued a few modelling jobs, but it wasn't to be. After coming third in Curvy Kate's Star In A Bra 2011 I realised my reasons for entering these contests were not to become a model as such, but to become a representation of a how larger bust and body looks in clothes and outfits. And so I decided to create my blog - a place where I could showcase my clothing and bra choices, and discuss fit and material and so on.  And from that, 'Fuller Figure Fuller Bust' was created and I've never looked back! I didn't expect it to be SUCH a massive hit, and that's not why I started it. It's been amazing!

There's never a shortage of women on the Facebook and messaging you to say how you really helped them discover or re-discover their self-esteem and teach them how to feel beautiful about themselves. How does it make you feel to know you have helped so many women in so many ways?

Every time someone messages me or comments I feel very proud and blessed. I'd like to think (as cliché as it sounds!) that the same women inspire and help me as much as I do them. It makes me grateful for starting my blog, and happy that it does so much for so many.

Why it is you think that the pinup/vintage/retro/rockabilly style speaks so powerfully to so many women these days?

Personally, I fell into the 'pinup' look by accident! I was feeling a bit frustrated at how even Peppeberry clothing didn't always fit me well, or suit my style, and one day I simply googled 'plus size leopard print dress' and up popped La Cholita on PUG's site, modelling the Micheline dress. I couldn't order it fast enough, and I've nearly worn that dress to death! I couldn't believe how perfectly it fit and suited me, and before long I also owned the Jessica, the Niagara, the Heidi and I was itching to get more! I now have more PUG dresses that you can shake a stick at, and I love how they are cut to suit a busty large bottomed shape. The length is great, the patterns and colours are perfect, and thanks to PUG I fell in love with vintage reproduction clothing, and over the years I have fine-tuned my wardrobe to contain some amazing dresses and, well, not much else! I think there's something quite beautiful about the style - in a way it's modest - it doesn't necessarily show everything off, or at least not at once. The styles are so versatile and they suit EVERYONE that I've seen in them.  Plus, doing your hair and make-up to look the part is so fun and pretty!  And many women enjoy that.

Has doing your blog helped your own confidence at all?

Oh, in leaps and bounds. A few months ago I was the biggest I've ever been, and yet I now own hundreds of dresses, something my teenage self could only dream of. I feel happy to show off my rather large upper arms, I smile in photos and I feel at peace with my looks. It is largely down to the amazing community of readers that I'm so lucky to have - like I said, we inspire and help each other.

What advice would you give to readers on how to improve their own confidence and self-esteem?

I think the best way to feel happy with yourself is to love yourself. Look at yourself and see the parts that people compliment, not the parts you dislike. And, if you truly are very unhappy and there are things you can change (hair colour, dress sense, weight etc) then why not make small steps to do so. It's amazing what a difference it can make.

Social media is now a big part of our lives. I am aware that you really reach out to your fans through your interaction on Facebook and your blog posts. As a professional blogger, what do you think it takes to be a social media success?

Social media is what I live, breathe and eat, and sometimes it does border on an addiction, which is something I need to address. I think for me, social media is a way to share and interact, to ask questions and offer advice. I also like to share others blogs and sites on my outlets to try to make my FB page especially the one place where my readers need to go to get all of their FB news and reviews. I do my best to be a 'friend' to the lovely ladies who follow me, and I genuinely enjoy our interactions.

Have you enlisted the help of professionals to build your website or have you done every aspect yourself?

My website is all my own - it's just a Wordpress site and I bought the domain name. I have asked my web designing techy boyfriend to help revamp it but he's staying clear! It seems to work well as it is, and every so often I'll change the header or add more categories and another advert up update my 'About Me' just to keep things current.
Photo by Velvet d'Amour for Volup2

When did you first start having professional photographs taken?

I first had a pro shoot when I explored the whole 'modelling' thing, as previously mentioned. I was semi scammed, but it did teach me a lot, and whilst those photos are not something I love, I'm glad I had the experience.

You are now a professional model. Over the years you must have picked up many beauty secrets. What beauty advice would you give to your fans?

Ooh, I would not call myself a model, but thank you!
My beauty secrets are by no means great, but I do try to do a few things:
*Drink lots of water. Water is pretty much the only thing I DO drink - apart from wine! I never ever drink coffee unless I'm beyond tired, I occasionally drink herbal tea and I'm not a huge fan of soft drinks. Because of this my skin is quite good and I'm actually more alert in the mornings due to the ice water I'm always sipping.
*Pamper yourself! I like to take the time to pop on a face mask or a hair mask every so often, and give myself a manicure or pedicure in front of the TV. It's cheap and very rewarding!
*Personal fitness is something I've been keeping an eye on as of late, and I'm starting to really enjoy running (well, jogging...) I think it is good to keep fit as you look and feel great!

What is your own beauty routine?

In terms of my beauty routine, it is rather basic! I try to moisturise a lot - lips, face, body and hands.  I'm careful not to wear make up every day, or at least not too much. Hair masks and face masks are my friend as I said and then I hope I get by!

You recently modelled for Collectif, how did that come about?

I've been a fan of Collectif for years, and I've modelled for them three times at London Edge. From that they asked me to be their plus size model this season, and how could I say no! I adore the brand and the girls that work there and I own about 20 Collectif pieces now!

How did you find the experience?

Modelling for Collectif was amazing and such good fun. It was more like going shopping than working, and the other model (Eliza Dotlitte) and the photographer (Joanna Krause) and the H&MUA (Monika Swiatek) were a pleasure to work with.

Did you expect when setting up your blog that the following would build to be as strong and large as it has become?

When I set up my blog I had no real expectations. I wanted women to read it and gain from it, but I had no long term idea of how I expected things to go. Fast forward two years and I'm still in shock at the way things have gone! National and international press coverage, modelling opportunities for companies I love, delicious meals in some top London restaurants and a potential forthcoming visit to Milan! It's safe to say it amazes me every day!

What achievement are you most proud of?

My biggest achievements are those emails I receive. Yes being in the press is great and has done a lot for me, but that's not the reason I keep going and keep campaigning for body acceptance and zero body snarking. I love that I make women feel and look good, it really and truly fills me with joy.

What do you like to do with your down time?

Down time... What's that?! Pretty much 100% of my spare time is dedicated to my blog. Like I said I've started going running a fair bit and so that happens too, and I try to see my friends and family as much as I can as well.

What is your day job?

My day job used to be waitressing. Then I obtained a part time marketing job with Dollydagger - it was something of a trial, as bar my blog I've never worked in marketing, but so far so good! And recently I've obtained another part time job doing the marketing for a restaurant and so, woohoo, no more waitressing. These jobs came as a direct result of my blog and the work I put in - it really has changed my life.
What does the future hold for Georgina Horne?

Gosh I don't know! Hopefully marriage and babies within a few years, and then I'm not sure! I'd like to get really good at the marketing and keep the blog going for as long as people will read it! I'm just taking life as it comes.

Just for fun!

Do you have a favourite band or music artist?.

Muse are one of my all times favourite bands, and so good to run too! I also LOVE My Chemical Romance - yes I'm a bit of an emo at heart! Jessie J is someone who I've recently fallen in love with as she is so so talented. And I could listen to Fall Out Boy for hours!

Who would you like to play you in a movie?

I'd LOVE to have been in the Harry Potter movies. Maybe as Hermione?! I am quite a bossy know-it-all at times! And I adore Harry Potter!

What’s your favourite colour?

It has to be turquoise, and I try to wear it as often as I can! My boyfriend's is red, and so you'll often see me sporting red dresses as well.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

There are so many! I'm forever falling and tripping and saying silly things as well. I don't think there has just been one!

What 3 things can’t you live without?

My family (aww) my boyfriend (awww) and, sadly, my phone!

What’s your favourite drink?

Water or wine! Jesus would be a handy friend...

What’s your favourite movie?

At the moment Pitch Perfect! It's so funny and I love a good sing-along! I also adore Cruel Intentions and Stardust!

What is your idea of a perfect night out?

Good wine, good friends and family and maybe a bit of a dance! I do love to get glammed up so it would probably involve a killer wiggle dress and the highest shoes that I could walk in!

Where in the world would you love to go?

I went to Vietnam earlier this year and adored it - and I had been really unsure about it! So maybe another Asian country - Japan or Laos I think.

If you had to pick just one, what is your favourite piece of clothing?

Just one?! Probably my Maidenform shape wear! That beauty hides a multitude of sins and it great to go running in as well, as it straps my bouncy bottom down!

Georgina modelling Lady V London, photo by Matilda Temperley
I would like to thank Georgina for her time with this interview. I hope you have enjoyed! Make sure you check out her blog Fuller Figure Fuller Bust. For further information Georgina has written a brilliant post on her FAQ page. You can also find her on Facebook.


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