Saturday, 9 February 2013

January Blues

First of all my apologies…I have been rather slack on the blog department this last month! I must do better!

Now January is over, the dreaded month we all hate! It’s the month where we are all skint; Christmas has attacked our wallets, our savings, and our waist line! The winter weather has dried out our hair and skin, everyone has colds that are passing on to everyone they meet! The snow was enjoyable to watch settling for the first day, look very pretty….then it became a nightmare! Generally it’s the month to get out of the way! I had my last month in my temp job and now that has come to an end. I am yet to find another role! All in all…not the start to the year we all enjoy!
Now it’s February, my boyfriend is back from his month long trip to South Africa which I have been very much looking forward to! Blog post to follow on the adventures of the Explore team!

I thought I would share how I have got on with my My New Year’s Resolutions over January, here goes:
My New Year’s Resolutions for 2013:
1. Have my dream trip to New York
I have started looking into prices and things to do, I am determined to make this happen!
2. Get my kitchen finished ready to officially launch Appleton Bakery
Phase one complete – new kitchen unit installed and kitchen tiles purchased. Now for tiling and wall unit needed before decorating takes place!
3. Loose weight (it had to be in the list – I made a start last year and now festive season is officially over I need to get back on track and get the body I want for summer!)
Well this hasn’t really gone off to the start I hoped! Only one Zumba class under my belt! Some were cancelled due to weather and some I couldn’t make due to interviewing etc…but all in all…I must try harder!
4. Get healthy – more of an active lifestyle – again links with the above!
As above!
5. Read all the Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Twilight Saga books finally! (Or just learn to read would be a start as so kindly said by my boyfriend!)
Well I am ¾ of the way through the first Harry Potter book…poor effort really if I want to get through all the ones I have set myself! Also I have decided I want to read The Perks of Being a Wallflower…best get to it!
6. Have my first professional photo shoot done
Not booked yet but I do have 2 studios that I want to work with at some point this year. Research complete! Also I have been asked to be photographed to appear in a book…all very exciting! More to come on that! I was also asked to appear in a RAF calendar but due to having to do practice shots in a bikini I decided to turn the opportunity down. I know there will be more to come and I only want to do something I feel 100% comfortable with so this time, it’s not for me.
7. Leave the country as many times as possible
Not yet…but plans a plenty!
8. Have my first ever girls holiday
As above!
9. Do more with my friends/family and make to most of my time off outside of work! I know this one will be hard to measure but I think it’s very important to do more fun things as often as possible!
Well this is coming along nicely! I have seen my family a lot whilst Geoff was away in South Africa which I have really liked. I have made plans to go to a local burlesque show 100 Watt Club in Aldershot next weekend that I am really looking forward to. First show of the year! I have also booked to go to London Burlesque Festival in May on International Night and also that day I will be attending a workshop with Catherine D’lish which I am super excited about!! I am trying hard to have lots of great things this year to look forward to and so far it’s going very well, as well as the things mentioned so far I have 3 weddings, 2 hen parties, one concert, one friends leaving party, hopefully Goodwood Revival and hopefully much more!
10. Keep a job…ha ha! Would be nice to have some luck in the job department this year!
Well I currently have no job…so next step is to find one, a job I can only hope pays very well, is interesting, fits in with my lifestyle and allows time for my baking, people are friendly, close to home….one can hope!

Not too bad I don’t think really, I can do better for sure! I was determined to write more and so far not great…but my Appleton Bakery Twitter and Facebook accounts are waking up and seeing more action and I will keep you more updated on the blog department! Stayed tuned to hear the adventures of the Explore Team a make-up review and update from Appleton Bakery!

Leanna  xoxo

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