Sunday, 17 May 2015

Interview with Burlesque Beauty Missy Malone!

Photo by Cherry Bomb Rock Photography
I am very pleased to bring you an interview with none other than Missy Malone who is the next burlesque starlet you will get to learn all about. This lady is super stylish, a real pin up beauty, a top name in the burlesque industry, well know show producer, model and actress. I have actually been mistaken for her myself and told how much we look alike which I was extremely flattered by…I think it must be having the same trademark hair!

Missy Malone s a heady 1950’s inspired bombshell. A highly accomplished and sought after performer on the UK scene for over 10 years and has performers internationally whilst gracing the covers of several publications and campaigns.

She is currently featured as one of the faces of ‘Lambs Navy Rum’ True British Characters Campaign 2013-15. Missy was also named in the 21st Century Burlesque International ‘Burlesque Top 50’ in 2013 and ‘UK Top 20’ in 2014. She was also named as a ‘Rocker’ in the ‘Rock the Cotswolds’ hit list for 2014.

As an already established actress and model she also commands an impressive list of skills and talents ranging from traditional fan dance to striptease and is trained in both static trapeze and stilt walking. With her stunning trademark look and jaw dropping routines it is but a matter of time before this femme fatale makes a lasting impression on the world stage.

Missy has shared the bill with some of burlesques top names including Catherine D’Lish, Kitten De Ville, Dirty Martini, Kitten on the Keys, Mimi Le Meaux and Immodesty Blaize. Missy appears regularly in a variety of extravaganzas including the likes of The Candy Box in Birmingham, Vegas! Edinburgh, Torture Garden Events in London and festivals such as the ‘Summer Jamboree’, ‘High Rockabilly’, and ‘Rhythm Riot’. Missy has performed worldwide and visited countries such as USA, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland, Ireland, Finland, Austria, Germany, Jersey, Spain, India and France.

Missy is also the sole creator and producer of the five star rated ‘Missy Malone & Friends Burlesque Revue’ a UK wide touring theatre show.

Keep reading below for my interview with Missy about burlesque beauty, fashion and more.

Photo by Rachel Spivey
How did you get into the burlesque industry? 

I fell into it really! My plan was to be an actress when I was much younger (I still act!) but at 16 I got side tracked by the circus! By 18 I was performing in clubs with "burlesque" style circus performances without really knowing that I was! (There was no Facebook or YouTube to watch!) Then when the Burlesque wave hit I was just in the right place at the right time!

How did the name Missy Malone come about?
Photo by Cherry Bomb
Rock Photography

Missy was a pet name that has stuck.

You have performed in a huge amount of places. Do you still get nervous about going on stage?

Yes I do sometimes, when I have a new act or I am unsure of the kind of audience it is. But generally I am just excited to get on the stage!

You are the sole creator and producer of ‘Missy Malone & Friends Burlesque Review’. Tell us about your show…

It has just celebrated its 6th birthday in April and has toured the length and breadth of the country in that time. I have produced 58 "Missy Malone and Friends Burlesque Revues" in total! I take pride in producing a show of the standard I would love to see personally! Only the best! 

Why did you decide to start producing shows?

Again I sort of fell into it! I moved to Cheltenham and there was no Burlesque at all (still not alot!) and I wanted to introduce them to the good stuff!

What do you look for in a show as an audience member?

Entertainment plain and simple! I want to be wowed, fall in love, laugh and squeal!

What makes a good show producer?

As a performer I tend to know what performers need and I put into practice what I would expect from a good producer as a performer.

Photo by Cherry Bomb
Rock Photography
I also get to watch alot of performers as I am always performing so I can really choose the best acts on the scene!

Who is your favourite burlesque performer to watch?

I have too many to mention here! I love lots of different performers for different reasons! The likes of the wild and raucous american performers like Dirty Martini and Kitten DeVille, to the ethereal, hypnotising Vicky Butterfly, the slide splitting humour of Abi Collins and then my hard working peers like Gypsy Wood and Scarlett Daggers! That's not even mentioning the golden girls grainy vintage footage like Tempest Storm etc!

What is your favourite prop to use?

I would probably say my Ostrich Feather Fans.

What did you do to earn a living before you started burlesque?

I started University around the same time I started performing Burlesque. Since I graduated in 2007 I have been a full time performer. While I was a student I also worked in Fopp (a music shop in Edinburgh) for a couple of years.

What do you like to do with your time off from being Missy Malone?

Oh trust me I am always Missy Malone!! But with my days off I love trawling carboot sales and charity ships for vintage treasure. I love going to gigs to see bands I like. I LOVE good food and drink with friends and family! And I like watching movies with my Husband (to be)!

You are on stage and being photographed a lot of the time. Looking after yourself must play a big part in your life. What are you favourite beauty products and why?

It is funny I am actually not that big up on products and potions! I love Vitamin E Cream for my face, MAC Russian Red for my Lips and Shellac on my nails! The rest of my make up is Rimmel and I don't wear foundation!

Do you have a set beauty routine?
Photo by Cherry Bomb
Rock Photography

Not strictly! I wash my face with cold water and use vitamin E cream day and night! Always take my make up off before bed!

Who is your beauty idol?

Marilyn Monroe, she has a fluffy face like me (it reflects light well in photos apparently!)

On that note how to you keep yourself in shape for your performances?

I don't drive so walk or cycle everywhere! Usually with a heavy suitcase in toe so my arms are in good shape! I like to go to dance classes when I can and I have recently joined the gym and do a couple of classes there!

What is your diet like? 

I LOVE food ALL food! I tend to eat healthy and I eat alot of fish and veg. But if I want a burger or cake I will have it!

What are your must have pieces of make up? 

MAC Russian Red Lipstick I feel dressed even with just that on!

Do you style your own hair yourself? 

I do, it is very long and I can only do about 3 set "looks".

Photo by Cherry Bomb
Rock Photography
Do you have any hair tips to share to get your glamorous look? 

Funnily enough....don't wash it! It styles better when dirty! I wash my hair once a week (have done for years) and it is in great condition!

Everyone no matter what shape or size wants to feel confident and happy about themselves. What advice would you have to feel glamorous and boost your own confidence?  

Do what makes you feel good! Never try to please others! Be it what you choose to wear or what you choose to do for a job! If you like to dance, then dance like no-one else is watching!

You are not only a burlesque performer but a successful model too! Can you share some of your fabulous modeling experiences with us?

There is too many to mention over the last 12 years!!! But highlights include magazine cover like "Vintage Life" Magazine, "Milkcow" and "Custom Harley" and more recently modelling as of of the faces of "Lambs Navy Rum - True British Character Campaign" worldwide!

What is your favourite perfume? 

I wear "Flowerbomb" by Viktor & Rolf

What is your approach to fashion?

I ADORE vintage fashion!! Many eras but my personal fave is 1950's and I love wearing original pieces! I love getting dressed up!

Live Stage "El Diablo" shot by
Show Helsinki Burlesque Festival 2015

I started a second business just over a year ago dealing in Vintage Clothing and

Where are you favourite places to shop, both for burlesque goodies and for yourself?

I love the thrill of the hunt, so I personally love carboot sales, charity shops and vintage shops! Online I love Etsy for more expensive vintage pieces! I rarely by anything new!

What are your biggest inspirations and why?

My parents for their solid and loving relationship and raising me in the best possible way. I hope to be like them.

What advice would you give to a girl (or guy) reading this interested in getting into this industry?

Work hard, do your research, be professional and have fun!

What else is coming up for you?

LOADS!! I am getting married in Oct this year so that is a biggy!! You can also catch me performing at various events around the UK and Europe for the rest for this year (dates here:( and my theatre show is touring, dates here: ( and my Vintage Shop can be found here: (

I would like to thank Missy Malone for her time with this interview. Stay tuned for more!


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