Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Easter Bank Holiday Weekend!

This Easter Bank Holiday has been a real mixture this year for me. Sometimes you do need a rest. I’d rather be resting on a beach or pool side somewhere but Friday for me involved chilling at home and a bit of girly maintenance getting my eyebrows done.  Saturday I swung by the local vintage and Easter crafts fair from Dolly’s Vintage in the morning and bumbled around the town centre for the afternoon picking up bits and pieces, stopping for lunch with the mister and spent the evening packing my little case, putting on a face mask and painting my nails for the next day.

Sunday and my big day of the bank holiday arrived! I was going to be modelling for Natalie Ross Designs at the lovely Bar Des Arts in Guildford. Natalie’s whole business is built upon the simplicity, comfort and style of the wiggle dress, which is a 40s design. Natalie wanted to have aspects of 40s/vintage influence as well as a modern feel to the photo shoot. This will help to show ladies all over the world how flattering, comfortable and sexy the wiggle dress was and still is for the modern woman of all shapes and sizes. Her online business is made to measure to fit everyone no matter what shape or size. Natalie had asked for my measurements just as she would with any customer and made my dress to fit without ever seeing me.

The dress was perfect! Bold, bright and fun it was something I would certainly pick out if I saw in in a store or online. There was lots of detail such as lace trim, little bows around the neck line. The fabric was great, stretch fabric with velvet little lips all over which gave real texture and great colour. This to me was something you could wear as a modern dress, vintage or even rockabilly as it has such versatility all depending on how you style it up.

I have never modelled before so this was a whole new experience for me. I got to the venue before 11am and met the other girls who were also modelling. We spent the day having a ball, hair and make-up, learning to pose in all different ways, chatting, laughing, and smiling…not hard work you might think?? Well think again! Modelling isn't easy! Hours of preparation, having photos taken under hot lighting, wearing painful high shoes, posing in unnatural awkward poses, smiling until your face actually hurts…not easy by any means! It was actually very tiring! I gained a huge amount of respect for models by taking part in this. It’s very different having a photo shoot for yourself for your own purposes to modelling for a brand. You're selling an item, without words, without anything other than yourself so you have to be conscious of that the entire time, the item is far more important than you, however you need to help show it for all its glory. I loved the experience and would certainly love to model again! It really gave me confidence too which is great! 

Once the photos are ready for viewing I will share my full experience with you all, for now here are some on set selfies of us ladies in action!


The next day after a well-earned lie in and lazy morning I headed to the Hawk Conservancy Trust where I had a really lovely day out. I would thoroughly recommend people going to experience what the trust has to offer. I was really impressed with the layout, staff, shows, animals, grounds and more. I really didn’t know what to expect but had such a great day I would recommend it to anyone! Take a look at their website to learn a bit more about them. One thing I would say is to help the trust our by signing the petition found on the Hawk Conservancy Trust website. I have signed the petition "Janez Potočnik, European Union: Diclofenac the Vulture killing drug is now available on EU market" on

It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link
The rest of the day was spent with close friends and having a lovely home cooked Easter roast dinner. Then it was back to work…back to reality, however there are lots of things I have to look forward to over the next few weeks which I will share with you all!

I hope you all had a great bank holiday weekend, here’s counting down to the next one!


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