Every year, I make this grand list of all the
things I’m going to do differently after January 1st. This year as
you know was different! So many people don’t keep their New Year’s resolutions and then feel a failure. And it’s by
this time of year already most resolutions end up broken or forgotten about. We
make these crazy promises to ourselves, feel badly when we don’t follow
through, and then just abandon them completely. Not this year!! 2014 can be
different. It’s not about making that promise to go to the gym 4 times a week
when deep down after week 2….you know you won’t go! There are small but
significant ways in which you can better yourself. Here’s 13 (unlucky for some
but it’s my lucky number and could be lucky for you too) ways you could better
1. Pay someone a compliment.
It is so easy to see someone in a beautiful
dress, think in your head how lovely it looks, and that’s it! By simply saying
that out loud to the person that they do look lovely in that dress, you could
make someone’s day. It’s so important to share a little kindness. It’s not the
sort of thing you do to expect something back in return, it’s just your own
honest opinion. Whether you know that person or not, it’s something small that
can have a huge impact. I have had a stranger come up to me to pay a compliment
before and it stays with you, makes you feel good inside, confident. Why
wouldn’t you want to do that?! Even to your friends and family, co-workers, etc
– it’s important to be kind. The next time someone does it back to you, and you
get that warm feeling, you’ll know you make the effort to do that for others.
2. Keep a diary.
Bringing Bridget Jone’s Diary to life! One
that you don’t just write in when you’re sad or angry. You don’t have to update
it every day, but it’s really interesting to go back and see how happy you were
that someone told you how pretty you looked, or that you decided to cut out
chocolate but failed two days later (it’s the thought that counts, right?).
It’s those small things in life that we tend to forget, and that’s a shame.
3. Call your grandparents more often.
Your Nan is the one person on this earth who
probably loves you so unconditionally, it should be illegal. No matter what you
do, your Nan is your number one fan. So, give her a bell. Tell her what’s going
on, who you’re seeing, or not seeing, or which book you’re reading. It’s
important to make time for family. Better still, go visit them! Nothing better
than a chat and a cup of tea and biscuits!
4. Listen to your friends.
Don’t fall into the trap of always being the
talker. Be the listener for a day. Don’t say a thing about yourself until your
friend has gotten everything off her chest. We all know it’s really nice to
have someone to talk to, so be that person that they can rely on for that.
5. Listen to your body.
Instead of making insane weight goals this
year, try focusing on being more attuned with your body. Do you feel gross all
the time? Perhaps you’re eating way too much junk food and not enough fruits
and veg? Are you tired a lot? Do you get aches and pains you ignore when you
know you should have a massage etc? Avoid processed foods and definitely
exercise, even if it’s just a walk. Do you frequently get headaches? I know I
do!! Drink more water. The great thing about our bodies is that they
communicate pretty well, and you can generally figure out what’s wrong. Focus
on being healthy and how good you feel.
6. Take Action.
Quit scrolling through Facebook and hating
all your friends who seemingly have better jobs than you. Spend the day
revamping your CV, take a useful class, or just spend a few days applying to
other jobs. Don’t feel badly about yourself if you’re single. Embrace it. Go
out with friends. Flirt with strangers. Really look at your relationship if you’re
not single, you could be taking so much for granted! The truth is that no one
likes being around negative people. Even if you’re bummed out, get it out of
your system somehow and actively try to make yourself happier. Even if it’s
romanticised, it’s actually no fun being unhappy.
7. Treat people the way you wish to be
It’s such a simple thing that can make a huge
difference. By simply putting yourself in a situation and thinking how you
would feel and ensuring you behave in a manner towards others you would like to
receive yourself. Nobody likes to be treated poorly, disrespected, talked down
to, spoken to rudely or inappropriately, be ignored etc so you shouldn’t do it
to others. Exchange a few words with your server or maybe a sales assistant. A
simple, “how’s your day going?” is probably enough to make them feel more
appreciated and less servant-like. I’ve been there, and it’s the worst to have customer
ignore you after you have been super polite and attentive to them. They are
probably not earning a huge amount, I know I wasn’t, and a smile, manners,
thankyou’s and that little bit of consideration goes along way.
8. Buy or make your coworkers coffee/cakes/cookies
from time to time.
Make people happy with treats! As you know I
bake and usually make cupcakes or even little home made sweetie bags etc. Sometimes
even just stopping at the local coffee shop and bringing back some goodies is a
great way of being that kind person too. A round of drinks can work just as
well, offering to make the teas and coffees or bringing in healthy snacks for
those dieting can show how thoughtful you are too!
9. Try to be more observant.
Don’t leave your shopping trolley in the
middle of the aisle. If someone is trying to pass you on the road, don’t be a
dick. If you’re with a group of friends at the mall, don’t walk in a row,
especially if it’s crowded; people probably want to get past you. If you’re
annoyed that it’s taking your server forever to bring you your food, look
around you and notice that they probably have a lot of tables. Or maybe the
kitchen is backed up or short-staffed. Just be aware of your surroundings and
be patient. Put your shopping trolley back where it came from, not just abandon
it in the car park. Yes its someone job to go and collect them but how would
you feel if someone was actively trying to make your job much harder all
because they were being lazy and inconsiderate?
10. Let go.
Stop trying to force a failing friendship
to function again. It isn’t your broken car; you can’t just take it to the
garage and to get it repaired or get new parts. I had a couple of friends from school
that I thought would be in my life forever, but one thing you learn post
school/college, is that this probably won’t happen. Friends will move away,
find new circles to be in, or just straight up change. That’s ok, let it
happen. You’ll make new friends. If there is an ex-friend you are only Facebook
friends with to hate stalk, then delete them. You don’t need that unhealthy
connection in your life.
11. Read more
It’s so easy to come home from work and sit
on the sofa and turn on the TV. Before you know it, that thing has been on for
hours and you have been mindlessly taking in the soaps and other programs out
of boredom. Sometimes if you do have an hour free, pick up a book. It’s nice to
have the peace and quiet, you can still escape to another world, and it’s still
effortless but much better for you, simulating your mind, keeping your
attention. Even if the only time you read is on your lunch hour, you’ll be
surprised how excited you get to have that half hour to pick up that book and
escape for a while. Go up to bed early and read for a while. I know one of my
bad habits is staying in front of the TV until late in the evening engrossed in
some trashy show I don’t need to watch when I should be catching up on beauty
sleep. Head to bed early, start to read, you’ll enjoy it and find it does make
you want to go to sleep at a more sensible hour!
12. Do more
I always want to travel, see the world and
sometimes it is impossible to leave the country as many times as you like due
to work commitments, money etc. But you can still ‘do more’ with your free
time. Just because you might not be having a wild adventure doesn’t mean you
have to stay home and do nothing instead. Look hard at how much free time you
have. If you get home from work at 5.30pm and go to bed at say 10.30pm every
night that’s 5 hours each night you have free to yourself. How are you using
that time? Plus you have 2 full days off a week every week not to mention
holiday….where is your free time really going?! So many people waste time,
usually doing nothing very constructive. You’re in charge of your social life!
See those friends you keep putting off because you ‘can’t find the time’, get
to the cinema to watch that film because it won’t be out forever, book that
last minute weekend away with the girls as there is no excuse why not to, go
out for last minute drinks because you are free to, see family more because it
matters. When you meet up with people you haven’t seen in a while and they ask
‘what have you been up to lately?’, you have 2 choices, you can be that person
who says ‘not much’, or ‘where do I start?!’….it’s down to you to do more!
13. Make tangible goals this year.
Instead of vowing to go to the gym every day,
vow to go to the gym when you can, but if you’re too busy, you’ll take the
stairs and park your car a bit further away that day. Don’t promise yourself
you’ll lose 2 stone. Promise yourself to eat 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day
and eat less junk food. You see what I mean? Don’t make huge goals if you know
you might break them. Try your best. Be a go-getter. Think small, win big!
What are some of your goals
this year?
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