Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Appleton Pin Up Girl’s Pop Up Boutique!

I am bringing you my first pop up boutique in time for Christmas in the West End of London. My concept is to bring my readers, burlesque performers, burlesque fans, lovers of all things retro, vintage and sparkly to come together for a day of socialising, drinking, shopping and fun. I myself love shopping at stalls where you can meet the sellers, learn about the items, touch and feel the products and really be involved in your purchase as opposed to clicking a button online. Online of course has its place and really is convenient however this is all about being there in person and making it a fun experience.

I really wanted to do this before Christmas to be able to socialise with everyone before the holiday period. Sellers can earn extra cash for Christmas and buyers can find some great items for their friends or themselves!

Enjoy a few drinks at this exclusive venue whilst browsing the stalls and hopefully making some great purchases. You will also be treated to a few performances from international burlesque star Chrys Columbine, vintage singing sensation Bexi Owen and others TBC!

Spend an afternoon with friends making more cash for Christmas goodies. Items can be old, new, vintage, ex props, ex costumes, tassels, pasties, accessories, clothes, shoes, make up, you name it! If you think another burly fan would be interested in your items then get selling here! Great place for those with a pin up girl style, retro style, vintage lovers and rockabilly gals to sell their items too! Please contact if you would like a stall at a fantastic low rate!

Attendees - This is the place to go to have a good look for items you may usually be stuck with just the internet to find. Find gifts for your showgirl friends or to add a bit more sparkle to your Xmas party outfit! Meet some fabulous burlesque performers who will be having stalls with items for sale and enjoy a performance or two from some top names! What’s more…..FREE ENTRANCE!!

If this sounds like something you want to attend or have a stall at now is the time to make yourself known! What I want you to all know is that I am doing this all for free. The venue is offering free entrance and a VERY low rate for stall holders to cover the venue. There are a limited number of stalls available so please contact ASAP to book your place. 

In order for this to happen I need stalls booked and confirmation by the end of this week.

A lot of work is going in to producing something that there seems to be a call for and feedback suggests this is something the community wants to happen...therefore to make it happen I need stall holders signed up and attendees to confirm their interest! This is important as the venue is an exclusive West End location offering their space, people are giving up their time to keep a bar open, people are putting on FREE performances (in both no payment and no fee charged to watch). All I need in return is your commitment and internet power to make this happen. If you want this to be able to go ahead then please get sharing the Facebook event, get sharing the blog and telling anyone and everyone who may be interested about this!!

If there is not enough interest due to the time scale this will have to be cancelled, please help make this happen! Thank you all for your support! J

Cellar Door
Sunday 1st December
1pm – 5pm
Performances from Chrys Columbine, Bexi Owen and others TBC.

Please advise your attendance to confirm numbers on the
Facebook Event Page

To book a stall please email me:

I hope to see you there! J


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